Sustainability Guiding Principles
Our mission
“To care for and improve the Cot in the best interest of our Beneficiary Clubs and their members whilst preserving its green and peaceful character”
Our Mission is not a competition between sport and the environment. The Trust and beneficiary clubs have approved SCT’s Environmental Policy and our charter says all SCT Beneficiary Clubs will support the aims of the SCT with respect to the preservation and protection of the SCT and its environs. We must respect the environmental regulations of Metropolitan Open Land and Site of Importance for Nature Conservation. Members chose to be on this site because of its unique green environment and it was the Number One quality they would not wish to see changed.
Environmental sustainability
- Net Zero Carbon across the Cot and Clubs by 2030
- Reducing our electric, gas and fuel usage and associated emissions to net zero by 2030.
- Encouraging a reduction in emissions associated with travel to and from the Cot.
- Any replacement buildings should be EPC A rated.
- Our management of the Cot should result in biodiversity Net Gain
- Tree management needs to be coordinated across the Cot
- We will engage with volunteers from beneficiary clubs and CREOS to enable them to support our biodiversity aims
- Minimising the use of potable “tap” water
- We will work with the clubs to manage water better to maximise availability of sporting facilities and improve the quality of those facilities.
- Clubs have either too much (floods) or not enough water. How we can capture, and or store, more water?
- Zero “avoidable” waste to landfill
- We will work with the beneficiary and other clubs on site to:
- reduce the use of single use plastics across the Cot.
- follow the principles of reduce, reuse, recycle for all waste on site.
Air quality:
- None of the activities on the Cot should worsen air quality
- To minimise the levels of light pollution
- Whilst balancing the need for members to get the maximum use of facilities and ensuring the safety of members and the general public.
- Encourage the use of responsibly sourced materials from sustainable sources
- Any materials used in buildings should be appropriate standards (Wood: FSC or PEFC, Steel: CARES etc)
Social sustainability
- We will be representative of the diversity of the beneficiary clubs we serve
- We will have a diverse selection of trustees by 2025.
- We will work with beneficiary clubs to understand the diversity of their membership and their governance, identifying opportunities to work collaboratively to reach out to under represented groups.
- We will manage the Cot in the best interest of the beneficiary clubs and the local community.
Accessibility and Inclusivity:
- We will work to continually improve the site to ensure it serves the needs of those with visible or invisible disabilities
- Physical/infrastructure e.g. blue badge parking bays, maximising wheelchair accessibility of facility – paths and road surfaces, accessible gradients.
- Organisational – e.g. website copy and format ref , coach and committee training/guidance on accessibility/inclusivity issues and understanding whether people’s needs are being met, responding positively to address needs when they are raised.
- Strategic – considering accessibility and inclusivity in planning and design of new buildings and growth of club activities.
- We will ensure the Cot is an asset for the physical and mental health and wellbeing of the local community.
- We will encourage the development of sporting skills for all.
- The Trustees will employ the highest standards of business ethics.