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Holly Park/Georgians “Bubble” Application

Planning Objection Registered by Shepherds Cot Trust

Application Reference No. : HGY/2013/0039

Site Address: Holly Park Tennis Club Crouch End Playing Fields Park Road London
N8 8JP
Comments by: Steve Reynolds

3 Highpoint

North Hill

N6 4BA

Submission: Objection
Comments: Dear Planners, Members and Neighbours

I write on behalf of the freehold owners of this Metropolitan Open Land site: the
Shepherds Cot Trustees and pending their consultation with their Members, the

Trust's three Members' Clubs: Hanley LTC, Highgate CLTC and North London CC. I
understand North London CC will also be writing independently as in due course will

Hanley and Highgate.
Consultation with our 500 plus Members cannot be organised in the two or three days

we have had to consider this ill timed and hasty application.
As the owners of this popular, important and pastoral sports land, we are deeply

concerned at the ill timed application being made here. No discussions have taken
place; we have not seen plans; normal neighbourly communication seems absent.

The Trustees wish to meet with local planning officers and Councillors independently.
The Trustees are also concerned to act reasonably with regard to Georgians

notwithstanding the absence of proper and fair notice from this organisation and its
contractor. In these circumstances, it is important planners, Georgians, our Members

and neighbours are aware that Trustees also wish to consult with Members on
whether upon expiry of the lease here in six years' time, it should be renewed.

Trustees as always will wish to take a long term view on fields we and our
predecessors have been protecting for more than a century. This is a very sensitive

and important London site.
In these unfortunate circumstances, the owners of the land in question here object to

this application while they consult as to the long term future of the Cot and this part of
our land.

Steven Reynolds

Honorary Secretary to the Trustees
Shepherds Cot Trust


fit fields in trust
England and Wales Cricket Board
Hanley Tennis Club
High Gate
North London Cricket Club
Shepherds Cot Trust. Tel: 0798 555 0019